Worst Perth suburbs for break-ins!

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Based on RAC home burglary insurance claims data for 2016, they compiled the list of the worst Perth suburbs for home break-ins. “RAC Manager Home Claims, Glen Walker, said according to RAC insurance claims data for the year, Gosnells is up from fourth place in 2015 to number one, followed by Morley, Thornlie and Balga.“ ““We tend to see the same suburbs dominate our claims data, with Gosnells, Morley and Thornlie consistently ranking highly in RAC’s burglary claims analysis,” Mr Walker said. As stated by Mr Walker in the article, many home break-ins are opportunistic in nature. “Thieves can quickly enter via an open side bedroom” ““Our advice is to always lock your doors and windows and maintain your security standards even when you are home. Using a range of home security measures and having a home alarm can also act as a big deterrent and save you money on your insurance premium.” While this is fantastic advice, locked windows will only act as a deterrent. If a thief wants to break into your home they can easily smash through the glass! While an alarm only sounds once the intruder is already in your home and by the time police arrive or your neighbours decide it in not just a ‘false’ alarm there has been ample opportunity to grab anything portable and run!
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Don’t delay! Book your free  free measure & quote today. Think you could help us advertise? Ask about our Display Home Savings and make your Roller Shutters more affordable than ever!! Worst performing suburbs in 2016 based on more than 4,000 RAC claims: 1. Gosnells 2. Morley 3. Thornlie 4. Balga 5. Dianella / Baldivis 6. East Victoria Park / Armadale 7. Canning Vale 8. Beechboro / Como 9. Northam 10. Rockingham / Victoria Park 11. Nollamara 12. Willeton / Bassendean / Clarkson 13. Ballajura 14. Bayswater / Kewdale 15. Carlisle
Click here for the full article. RAC reveals worst WA suburbs for home break-ins